Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lecture Notes Week of Feb. 15

International Gothic Style:

By the end of the 14th century, the fusion of Italian and Northern European art had led to the development of an International Gothic style. For the next quarter of a century, leading artists travelled from Italy to France, and vice versa, and all over Europe.

As a consequence, ideas spread and merged, until eventually painters in this International Gothic style could be found in France, Italy, England, Germany, Austria and Bohemia.

Iconography – is the study of themes and symbols in the visual arts – figures and images that lend works their understanding and meaning.

Aesthetics –A branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art, and taste and with the creation and appreciation of beauty.

Style - is at once the most concrete and intangible of all components of an artwork. It is the signature look of an artist’s work – that something that enables us to tell the difference between a Rubens and a Rembrandt, a Picasso and a Pollock.

Medium – in which an artist works –The plural, mediums or media –
Refers to the physical components of art.

Chiaroscuro – the drawing or painting the treatment and use of light and dark, especially the gradations of light that produce the effect of modeling.

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