Thursday, February 11, 2010

Notes For Feb. 11, 2010

Artists Covered (refer to handout)
Ducccio Di Buoninsegna
Giotto de Bondone
Filippo Brunelleschi (Medici DVD)

Composition – refers to how art work is organized
Shapes on 2D surface or 3D arranging shapes in space

Form – Medium (2D or 3D) – Materials used & Technique
  • Oil Painting
  • Tempera
  • Sculpture
  • Drawing
  • Cartoons
  • Watercolor
  • Pastel
  • •Landscape
  • •Still Life
  • •Figurative
  • •Abstract
  • •Religious
  • •Self Portrait
Giotto di Bondone (JYOH‐toh)
He was an Italian painter and architect from Florence in the late Middle ages.

He is generally considered the first in a line of great artists who contributed to the Italian Renaissance.

16th century biographer Varsari says of him:
“He made a decisive break with the crude traditional Byzantine style, and bought to life the great art of painting as we know it today, introducing the technique of drawing accurately from life, which had been neglected for more than two hundred years.”

The Adoration of the Magi is the name traditionally given to the Christian subject in the Nativity of Jesus in art in which the three Magi, represented as kings, especially in the West, having found Jesus by following a star, lay before him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, and worship him

PowerPoint Presentation on "Line"

•A line is the path made by a moving point.
•A point has no measurable size.
•Lines are created through the connection of points and are defined as the side-by-side placement of an infinite number of points. (Whew!)
•Line is without end.
•Line has no width.

The Quality of Line

The quality of a line describes either its measure or its characteristics
For example:
•The measure of a line might be that it is thick or thin.
•Or the characteristics might be that the line is smooth or rough.

Change these things to create a line with personality, expression or emotion.

Above information taken from "Art Though the Ages" text

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